Can you use antifreeze on laser machine pump?


Laser coolant filling

Filing laser tube with car radiator coolant. I use it to prevent freezing "water" in winter. My workshop is heated only by heat pump.

Books on the subject of Can you use antifreeze on laser machine pump

Popular Science

Popular Science

Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

Instabilities in alpine permafrost: strength and stiffness in a warming regime

Instabilities in alpine permafrost: strength and stiffness in a warming regime

vdf Hochschulverlag AG. 2014

Alpine permafrost exists at high altitude at lower latitudes, such as in the Swiss Alps. Accelerating climate change, including rising mean annual air temperature and extreme rainfall conditions in alpine regions induces permafrost degradation. The warming of permafrost causes accelerated creep of rock glaciers, due to increased unfrozen water content and higher deformability of the ice phase. Recently, the development of deepening depressions has been observed in several rock glaciers in Switzerland, and the changes in land surface characteristics and drainage systems may initiate slope instabilities in rock glaciers. The main aim of this thesis is to characterise the strength and stiffness of alpine frozen soil in rock glaciers. To this end, the geotechnical response, such as creep and failure of frozen soil was investigated through a triaxial stress path testing programme with novel measurement systems for detecting acoustic emissions and measuring volumetric change. In addition, the resistance to crack initiation and propagation was investigated through a beam bending test programme on rectangular artificially frozen soil specimens, using the acoustic emission measurement system. The evaluation of laboratory tests on artificially frozen soil specimens implied that the development of deep depressions in rock glaciers occurs through differential creep and thermal degradation, and that the rate of deformation has the potential to lead to instabilities in rock glaciers. A comparison of the simulation results with the experimental data demonstrated that the semi-coupled model was successful in simulating the most important aspects of the temperature-dependent stress-strain relationship for the frozen soil behaviour that was measured at the element scale. This thesis contributes to an understanding of the variations in geotechnical response of alpine permafrost, by investigating the behaviour of artificially frozen soil specimens experimentally and numerically with time and temperature under specific stress paths. However, further investigations are necessary to assess the long-term stability of rock glaciers affected by climate change.

Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook-Airframe

Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook-Airframe

Aviation Supplies & Academics. 2022

Annotation This series is specifically tailored to provide the information necessary to prepare an applicant for FAA mechanic certification with airframe and/or powerplant (A & P) ratings. These textbooks are designed for use by instructors and applicants preparing for the FAA Airframe Knowledge and Practical Exams, but also serve as an invaluable reference guide for certificated technicians who wish to improve their knowledge and practice. Chapter structure has been designed to ensure consistent and efficient internalisation of the material presented. Photographs and detailed drawings illustrate concepts, improve understanding, and increase retention. This volume of the series emphasises theory and methods of practical application within the overall topic of the airframe of an aircraft: how it is built, maintained, and repaired. It covers subjects such as airframe construction features, assembly and rigging, fabric covering, structural repairs, and aircraft welding. The specific topics addressed include Aircraft Instrument Systems, Communication and Navigation, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Power Systems, Aircraft Landing Gear Systems, Aircraft Fuel System, Ice and Rain Protection, Cabin Environmental Control Systems, and Fire Protection Systems.

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