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The Mysterious Machine is a Landmark in the vast yard in Grounded. The Mysterious Machine is located along the trail close to the Baseball in the Central Grasslands of the map. The history of how the machine got there, why, or when is unknown. However, it's likely responsible for shrinking the player in the first place.

RELATED: Grounded: All Field Station Locations

An easy way of pinpointing the machine's precise location is to look for three tall gray laser guns pointing downward. The machine will be on the ground, in the middle of where the laser guns are pointing.

Where Is The Strange Device

Mysterious Machine Location Map

The device is white, large, and partially translucent. On the top of the device are three silver laser hubs, shaped like cylinders. A portion of the device is stuck in the dirt, and It's hard to miss. Players will be required to interact with the landmark because it’s the key to opening the Oak Lab. Additionally, players will revisit this landmark later in the game – but for now, we’re going to uncover the initial activation to open the Oak Lab.

Activating The Strange Device

Mysterious Machine Lasers Activation

Upon finding the machine players will need to press a black button on top of the device labeled “target” – doing so will trigger all the lasers to literally target the device. Players are supposed to get a button prompt if they tread close to the button, but if this doesn’t occur, jumping on the button or hitting it might work. After pressing the button, however, only one of the three lasers will function. A grass blade obstructs one laser and the other is blinking in error.

RELATED: Grounded: All Lab Locations

Obstructed Laser

This laser is being blocked by a tall blade of grass, and fixing it is easy. Players simply need to chop down the problematic grass.

Blinking Laser

This one is a little harder to fix compared to the obstructed laser. Players will need to go down to the bottom of the laser and kill all the Lawn Mites nibbling on the wire – this includes the wire that’s in the cave close by. After the Lawn Mites are destroyed, players will need to go back to the machine and press the target button once again. After doing so, a cutscene will ensue of the lasers blasting the device and simultaneously detonating the Oak Lab.

NEXT: Grounded: Hardest Enemy Bugs, Ranked