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A Toronto Casting Call Will Pay You Up To $3,900 If You're A Construction Or Trade Worker

Do you rock a hard hat?

A construction worker. Right: The CN Tower in Toronto

A construction worker. Right: The CN Tower in Toronto


If you're a proud trades worker looking for a way to make some easy money, this Toronto casting call is right up your alley, friend.

Jigsaw Casting is looking for men and women who work in warehouses, manufacturing, construction, and other labour-intensive fields to appear in an upcoming Trades Apparel Campaign.

"Looking for authentic Warehouse or Manufacturing trades people. Ie Quality engineers, Machine operator, CNC machinist, assembler, warehouse, maintenance or installer," the call states.

Workers with specific licenses or certifications for what they do, such as forklift operators and order pickers, are especially needed.

"Talent should feel confident being around heavy machinery," it adds.

Applicants should be between the ages of 22 to 50, but the ad is putting a strong focus on inclusivity, so don't worry about fitting any particular mold.

"We are especially looking for women and other genders, not just men," Sylvia Lee, Jigsaw's real people casting associate, told Narcity.

The gig pays a total of $3,900, which includes $150 for a COVID-19 test and wardrobe fitting, $750 for the session, and $3,000 for the buyout.

Anyone looking to apply needs to submit their application by July 28, 2022, at 9:00 a.m.

You'll also need to be available for the following dates:

  • August 2, 2022, for a Zoom interview
  • August 11 to 12, 2022, for a COVID-19 test
  • August 10, 2022, for a wardrobe fitting
  • August 13 to 14, 2022, for the shooting date

Proof of vaccination is required. If you are not vaccinated, you'll need to provide evidence of medical exemption.

Trades Apparel Campaign

Salary: $3,900

Company: Jigsaw Casting

Who Should Apply: Men and women ages 22 to 50 who work a trade.

Apply Here

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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